Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fester's Quest (NES Game)

I don't know what to make of this game. I just don't. Did I enjoy it? Maybe, I guess. Did I have any idea what was going on? No, not really? Will I ever play this game again? I really have no answer for that.

In the beginning of Fester's Quest, a UFO appears. This frightens Fester so he gets off his lawn chair and picks up his gun. Then he takes to the streets and shoot things, some of which look like little berries and some of which are definitely aliens...I think. I guess the UFO means aliens, right?

As Fester you'll wander pointlessly and aimlessly, wondering what you're doing. You'll shoot the berries and pick up cash and weapon powerups, which is highly satisfying. You'll also shoot aliens, some of which have satisfying deaths. You'll wander in sewers, which play exactly like the above-ground levels. You'll wander into 3D mazes with literally nothing in them except an exit door. You'll come across other members of The Addams Family who will help you on your quest. Quest to do what? I don't know. You'll also come across bosses who are terrifying and well-animated.

Basically, Fester's Quest is as much fun as you can possibly have without really knowing what the crap you're doing, which is to say it's only moderately fun because you don't really know what the crap you're doing half the time. So yeah, that's all you need to know.

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